Michael covers design, science, tech and business, usually at night, from a bare-bones base in the whirlwind city of Berlin. He's originally from South Carolina, lived a long time in New York, and came to Berlin for its wired energy and a good story.

A 19th-Century Farmhouse in Eastern Germany Gets New Tricks With an Ecologically Minded Update
Located in an outlying village three hours north of Berlin, the remote property—which until recently lacked potable water—was...
The Globetrotting Designer That Takes on Challenges of All Scales
Size doesn’t intimidate this ambitious designer.
The Moscow Minimalists
Crosby Studios just cares about the essentials.
This Tiny Warsaw Studio Instantly Changes from Office to Playroom
Using multifunctional furniture, an apartment in Warsaw rearranges at a moment's notice.
Modern Efficiency and Affordability Don’t Have to Come at the Expense of Style
By creatively manipulating the angles and levels of exterior surfaces on this modest Polish country house, architect Peter Kuczia...
EggO Centric
A69 Architects were called upon to match concrete with concrete for this family home in Prague.