"[The General Strike in Oakland, California on November 2nd] was amazing," Dao reports. He and Cash set up a table printing on bills. "About seven thousand people showed up to support the strike in Oakland. It was literally one of the most diverse crowds I've ever seen, I know it sounds silly to say, but the last time I saw a crowd that diverse was at a Prince concert. It was just a very positive atmosphere. Ivan was working the table the whole day and we had some friends help out. The crowd was very receptive and enthusiastic about the project. The action was non-stop, people would literally reach deep into their pockets and we stamped all of their money. We saw every domination stamped. Ones, twos, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds. We came there with two fresh ink beds and [by the end] they were both dry. We actually had to break down a little earlier than expected because of that. The highlights for us were meeting people who actually went out and had some of our stamps made, pretty exciting stuff. And during the march, Ivan spotted a guy who made a sign referencing one of our dollar designs. Ivan ran over to him and taped the dollar to his sign. So in a sense the project came full circle. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we had a tip jar for Occupy Oakland at our table and we raised over a hundred dollars for them. That money will help the organizers buy food and supplies for occupiers."  Search “oakland” from Occupy George

Search “oakland”

"[The General Strike in Oakland, California on November 2nd] was amazing," Dao reports. He and Cash set up a table printing on bills. "About seven thousand people showed up to support the strike in Oakland. It was literally one of the most diverse crowds I've ever seen, I know it sounds silly to say, but the last time I saw a crowd that diverse was at a Prince concert. It was just a very positive atmosphere. Ivan was working the table the whole day and we had some friends help out. The crowd was very receptive and enthusiastic about the project. The action was non-stop, people would literally reach deep into their pockets and we stamped all of their money. We saw every domination stamped. Ones, twos, fives, tens, twenties, fifties, and hundreds. We came there with two fresh ink beds and [by the end] they were both dry. We actually had to break down a little earlier than expected because of that. The highlights for us were meeting people who actually went out and had some of our stamps made, pretty exciting stuff. And during the march, Ivan spotted a guy who made a sign referencing one of our dollar designs. Ivan ran over to him and taped the dollar to his sign. So in a sense the project came full circle. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, we had a tip jar for Occupy Oakland at our table and we raised over a hundred dollars for them. That money will help the organizers buy food and supplies for occupiers."