Outdoor Shrubs Desert Side Yard Design Photos and Ideas

6. "Am I the 'fixer-upper' type?" 

"The truth is that an additional $100,000 on your purchase price is only about $300 more in payments,” she says. “If you work long hours and don't have a handy bone in your body, you might be better off buying a more fixed-up home.”

7. "Who are all of the decision makers, and can they actually see the home?" 

"There are times when parents may be helping out children with their down payment," she says. “It's always better to have the parents in on the process as early as possible."
Indigenous plantings, suitable for the warm climate, surround the simple massing. The blue sky is a powerful contrast to the white plastered walls.
Michael Doherty Construction completed the 5,900-square-foot house in 2017.
This pergola-covered seating area, complete with hanging chairs, is off the living room.
A fountain that spills into a palm sheltered pond at the entry.
Large canopies shade the retreat’s southern elevations, rendering the interior and ipe wood patio comfortable in the Texas heat.
The house rests just below the crest of a gently sloping hilltop and commands powerful views. Its transparency and small size aim to minimize its impact on the land.
Office courtyard