Kids Room Desk Playroom Pre Teen Age Design Photos and Ideas

This children’s room and playroom caters to one family’s young kids with built-in cabinetry that allows the mess to be hidden away. Hufft designed this marker-board table, which was cut in the shape of Missouri. The ceiling features abstract details from Thomas Hart Benton paintings.
Awkward sloping ceilings are put to good use in this family apartment known as the Starburst House in Beijing, China. Across from the living lounge, tucked under the mezzanine study, is a child’s playroom. Mountain-shaped wall cushions line the wall, echoing the peaked ceiling.
The children's playroom.
AFTER - Son's study area and activity room with giant wall climbing pegboard.
Simon and Eva Luna play in front of a wall covered in Daks wallpaper from Walnut.
Study room.Mountain in the distance.