Project posted by assemblageSTUDIO


House (Single Residence)


Landscape Design
Vangson Consulting, LLC
Zack Hussain

From assemblageSTUDIO

TERRA forms a direct connection to a specific place.
Just beyond the site and overpowering in scale, a stark mesa forms the backdrop of the project. The presence of the horizon is felt strongly here; it is from this connection between sky and desert that the concept of TERRA evolves.

A low profile, single-story structure maintains a constant connection to the desert floor. The roof edge, demarcated with a steel ribbon, becomes a datum line, characteristically reflecting the strong horizontal edge of the mesa beyond. The roof encompasses the project, extending past the edge of the enclosure, to form a series of protected courtyards. A series of openings capture the constant play of light and shadow in the desert.

Alluding to the surrounding slot canyons, the sheltered environment of the entry courtyard creates an oasis in the desert through the introduction of water and enhanced landscape. Various spaces within the residence look onto or open into the courtyard, reinforcing this connection to the environment.

The extended roof form creates a series of protected courtyards, extending the living spaces into the environment and blurring the line between actual indoor and outdoor space. The shade provided by the roof cools the ambient air in these spaces and blocks direct sun and heat gain, enabling large expanses of glass to capture panoramic views of the mesa, foothills, golf course, and the Las Vegas Strip.

Rammed earth walls, created from a gravel mix from a nearby quarry, link the project visually and materialistically to this place. Through the shear mass of these walls, the design shields the home from direct solar gain. Heat embedded during the day is quickly dissipated during the night as the desert experiences a cooling cycle.

TERRA is about the awareness and celebration of the desert, the design inherently linked through expression, form, and passive techniques to the earth.