Project posted by A6A


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Interior Design
Agnes Clotis

From A6A

"This is my world {...}. Speaking with rigor, I never contemplate the landscape. I experience his changes hourly, day and night, throughout the coming and going seasons." Martin Heidegger.

Beyond offering a few meters of additional surface to this family home, the project seeks first and foremost to reveal a new relationship with the landscape: the heights of Planquehaute and the view towards Lacanau lake. We build a generous place of observation, a construction like a parenthesis between outside and inside.

To achieve this, the choice was not to physically connect the old building with the new one. The juxtaposition, the simple friction of these two volumes seems sufficient when creating the architectural link between the house of origin and the new pavilion. The differentiated access, which forces us to slide our body between a retaining wall and the new construction, gives another dimension to this annex.
A wish of erasure in the heart of the high maritime pines already present on the ground leads us to dress this construction of a particularly dark skin. The construction is thus positioned between these dark and slender trunks.

The shade of the summits, cradled by the east wind, merges with the vibration of these wooden facades. It is the simple element of the joint cover, by a game of variable rhythm, which gives rise to this thrill.
More than a pavilion, a sort of contemporary cabin. We must bury ourselves first so that we can then discover the painting behind us. A refuge for the body and mind, deliberately back to the path, and fully open to the changing landscape experience on the horizon.