The Weavers of Lapua

More than a hundred years ago, the great-grandfather of Jaana Hjelt’s husband, Esko, opened a wool and felt boot factory in Lankilankoski, Finland, where the Ostrobothnian winters are freezing cold.
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The Weavers of Lapua - Photo 1 of 20 -

Still in family hands, Lapuan Kankurit today values responsible and environment-friendly processes and pure natural materials. Multifunctionality of their products is important to owners and forth-generation weavers Jaana and Esko Hjelt. In their book, blankets can also be tablecloths or space dividers. Their high-quality textiles are made to bring beauty and happiness into a family’s everyday life for generations.

Lapuan Kankurit Corona Uni poncho 

Lapuan Kankurit Corona Uni poncho 

Lapuan Kankurit Keto blanket and Corona Uni hot-water bottles 

Lapuan Kankurit Keto blanket and Corona Uni hot-water bottles 

Lapuan Kankurit’s fine wool products weave together the story of Finnish handicraft traditions, innovative techniques, and the artwork of top Scandinavian designers. And so the legend continues.

A weaver at the Lapuan Kankurit factory 

A weaver at the Lapuan Kankurit factory 

A Conversation with Jaana Hjelt

Jaana and Esko Hjelt, fourth generation weavers and owners of Lapuan Kankurit 

Jaana and Esko Hjelt, fourth generation weavers and owners of Lapuan Kankurit 

Born: 1968 in Lapua, Finland. 

Lives: After studying and working in other cities for ten years, I came back to Lapua. 

Work: I do what I love. I run a weaving mill—Lapuan Kankurit ("Weavers of Lapua")—with my husband, Esko. 

Fun: I love to just stay at home with the children, to spend time without any timetables. But we all also love to travel and meet new people. That’s what I do for fun and for work! 

Working on right now: Now it’s the "exhibition season," which means traveling around Europe and attending fairs. It’s great to show our latest collection and hear the feedback. 

Favorite place in the world: Home. This may sound boring, but because of my busy life as an entrepreneur, weekends at home are the best. Saturday evenings at home with family: good food, sauna, sitting, and talking with the kids about all the joys and sorrows of the past week.

Lapuan Kankurit Misteli series 

Lapuan Kankurit Misteli series 

Lapuan Kankurit Kaste apron  

Lapuan Kankurit Kaste apron  

Motto: Now it’s a perfect moment. 

Inspiration: My husband, Esko. It’s great to have someone next to you who is seeking innovations. He always gets ideas for textiles, and we share the same passion to create something new and beautiful for homes. Together with our designers, we make a great team.

Lapuan Kankurit Helmi towel, white linen 

Lapuan Kankurit Helmi towel, white linen 

Treasured possession: My grandmother’s handcrafted textiles. 

Never leaves the house without: A smile. What else do you need?

Lapuan Kankurit RUUT tablecloth 

Lapuan Kankurit RUUT tablecloth 

What’s next for Lapuan Kankurit: We also would like to expand a bit more from home textiles towards apparel . . . Our designers have already made some great bags. I just love them and can’t wait for production to start. 

See the beautiful products Jaana and Esko Hjelt are weaving at We also sell select Lapuan Kankurit products online and at the Alpine Modern Shop on Pearl Street in Boulder. △

Lapuan Kankurit outlet 

Lapuan Kankurit outlet 

Lapuan Kankurit TAIVAANVALKEAT wool blanket 

Lapuan Kankurit TAIVAANVALKEAT wool blanket 

Lapuan Kankurit Corona Uni scarf 

Lapuan Kankurit Corona Uni scarf 

Himmelist Eija Koski for Lapuan Kankurit. Vähäkyrö, Finland 

Himmelist Eija Koski for Lapuan Kankurit. Vähäkyrö, Finland 

Lapuan Kankurit Corona pillows 

Lapuan Kankurit Corona pillows 

Lapuan Kankurit Usva Mesi and Corona Uni 

Lapuan Kankurit Usva Mesi and Corona Uni 

Lapuan Kankurit Siru towel 

Lapuan Kankurit Siru towel 

Lapuan Kankurit Usva tablecloth and Poro towel 

Lapuan Kankurit Usva tablecloth and Poro towel 

Lapuan Kankurit KOIRAPUISTO wool blanket 

Lapuan Kankurit KOIRAPUISTO wool blanket 

Lapuan Kankurit Kaarna scarf and Iida pocket shawl 

Lapuan Kankurit Kaarna scarf and Iida pocket shawl 

Lapuan Kankurit Misteli blankets 

Lapuan Kankurit Misteli blankets 


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