Exterior, House Building Type, Glass Siding Material, Concrete Siding Material, Wood Siding Material, and Flat RoofLine "The east façade reveals these distinct parts of the house—the grounded bedroom volume to the north, the glass hallway, which offers a glimpse to otherwise secluded outdoor spaces, and the living pavilion that is lifted above the site to view the forest and pond," the team adds.

  Photo 4 of 13 in An Elegant Abode Embraces Nature Without Waiving Privacy

An Elegant Abode Embraces Nature Without Waiving Privacy

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"The east façade reveals these distinct parts of the house—the grounded bedroom volume to the north, the glass hallway, which offers a glimpse to otherwise secluded outdoor spaces, and the living pavilion that is lifted above the site to view the forest and pond," the team adds.