Melissa Manfull's Tesseracts

Melissa Manfull's Tesseracts

The term Tesseract was coined in the 19th century by science fiction writer Charles Howard Hinton to describe the 4-dimensional, convex-sided geometric form related to a cube. A new exhibition of Melissa Manfull's explores these forms through 2D drawings that combine natural and manmade architecture in multi-dimensional, almost optical illusion-inducing imagery.
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Manfull's ink on paper pieces create impossible worlds that seem to draw inspiration equally from Jules Verne novels, Gothic architecture, Victorian mansions, Russian Constructivism, the shire and the future.  Unencumbered by the normal constraints of architecture, her meticulously drawn structures float on the page, unobstructed by gravity or environment.  Each land is allowed to exist in undefined space condensing time and style into a drawing rendered with the accuracy of an architect's hand.

See Tesseracts at the Taylor de Cordoba Gallery on La Cienega in Culver City.

Melissa Manfull's Tesseracts - Photo 1 of 1 -
Laure Joliet
Laure is a Los Angeles–based photographer and design enthusiast. When not contributing to Dwell and Apartment Therapy, she's opening too many tabs in Firefox, baking, gardening and exploring the great outdoors.


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