A wall of shelves holds color-blocked books, 3D-printed prototypes (including several versions of Joshua’s soy sauce cruet), and objets the designer has collected over the years, like a 1937 Top-O-Stove Potato Baker by Raymond Barton and salt and pepper shakers by William Lescaze.  Photo 5 of 18 in Rental Revamp: A Brooklyn Designer Proves That 88 Square Feet Don’t Have to Feel Small

Rental Revamp: A Brooklyn Designer Proves That 88 Square Feet Don’t Have to Feel Small

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A wall of shelves holds color-blocked books, 3D-printed prototypes (including several versions of Joshua’s soy sauce cruet), and objets the designer has collected over the years, like a 1937 Top-O-Stove Potato Baker by Raymond Barton and salt and pepper shakers by William Lescaze.