Julia is a Chicago-based writer and photographer: art, architecture, design, and details. Recent clips at juliabrenner.com

An Unused Garage Is Transformed Into a Light-Filled Backyard Studio
An inspiring renovation gives new life to a San Francisco family's old, unused garage.
11 Smart Home Devices For an Efficient Home
If you're looking to make your home work more efficiently and reduce energy costs, the smart home market has a lot to offer.
10 Modernist Beach Home Rentals to Escape to This Summer
Modernist beach homes offer more than just close proximity to the ocean—their clean, bold designs and abundance of natural light...
Q&A With Master Architect and Designer Piero Lissoni
Milan-based architect and designer Piero Lissoni is a modern design visionary with a vast portfolio that spans to everything from...
9 Yurt Vacation Rentals For the Modern Alternative Camper
Traditionally used by nomads in Central Asia, the circular, tent-like yurt has become part of the current zeitgeist, as travelers...
Danish-Modern Master Thomas Juul-Hansen Talks About Timeless Design
Danish architect and designer Thomas Juul-Hansen is renowned for his ability to design luxury properties that are rooted in a...