Kate Dries is Dwell’s Executive Editor. She previously worked at VICE, Jezebel, BuzzFeed, and WBEZ, and has written for many other publications. She's passionate about patinas. Get in touch: kate dot dries at dwell dot com

I Nailed the Chic Dive Bar Aesthetic of My Dreams
After scouring Facebook Marketplace and shopping my own collection of ephemera and such, my basement-turned-hangout is finally...
My Multiple-Seasons Outdoor Furniture Test
I learned that just two things help determine that you’re getting what you paid for: what it’s made of and where it came from.
I Replaced My Big-Box Store Cabinets With Custom Plywood Fronts
Well, my boyfriend did, but I supervised—and the process was surprisingly painless.


Holiday Decorating Advice From Someone Who Loves Martha But Unfortunately Will Never Be Her
Are you into seasonal cheer but have no idea where to start? Let’s talk about it.